Fire Cider 101: The Benefits of This Spicy, Healthy Natural Remedy 

Chances are, you’ve heard of fire cider before.

This concoction of garlic, onions, horseradish, ginger, and other spices has been used as a natural remedy for centuries.

But what exactly is it good for? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at fire cider and some of the benefits that have been attributed to it.

Fire cider is a tart and spicy mix of apple cider vinegar, onions, horseradish, garlic, ginger, turmeric, and other spices.

It’s said to be a potent immune-booster and can be taken daily as a preventative measure against colds and flus.

Many people also find relief from taking fire cider when they’re already sick.

It’s been used to treat everything from sinus infections and sore throats to bronchitis and stomach flu. 

In addition to being a natural remedy for common illnesses, fire cider is also said to have anti-inflammatory properties.

This makes it a popular natural remedy for arthritis pain.

Some people even apply fire cider topically to joint pain for relief. 

If you’re thinking about making your own fire cider, it’s important to note that the recipe can vary depending on who you ask.

Some recipes call for raw honey to sweeten the mixture, while others rely on fruit juices or vinegar infusions.

The key ingredients are typically apple cider vinegar, onions, horseradish, ginger, turmeric, and garlic—but feel free to get creative and add your own twists!  

Here’s the recipe I made!

My Homemade Elderberry Syrup & Fire Cider


To fill a 1-gallon jar:

1 medium onion, diced

4 cloves of garlic, chopped

4 tablespoons fresh grated horseradish root

4 tablespoons fresh grated ginger root

4 tablespoons fresh grated turmeric

2 lemons, sliced

1 grapefruit, sliced (I removed the grapefruit rind because it can be bitter)

1 or more hot chilis, sliced, depending on your heat preference

1 teaspoon of whole peppercorns

Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw Honey – added later

Chop, grate, or otherwise prep the ingredients as described above. The smaller the pieces, the better it will all infuse. I used a food processor for the garlic, horseradish root, ginger root, and turmeric.

Add all ingredients to your jar. It should be about two-thirds to three-quarters full of the prepared ingredients when done.

Slowly pour enough apple cider vinegar over the other ingredients to submerge them until the container is full. I needed over 32 oz of apple cider vinegar.

Cover the jar with a piece of wax paper or parchment paper and a rubber band. 

Store your fire cider at room temperature and stir it daily.

After a minimum of 3-4 weeks, strain your cider with a fine mesh strainer and discard the solids.

Add 1/2 cup of honey to the liquid per gallon (or to taste) and stir until the honey dissolves.

Bottle your finished cider in mason jars with BPA-free plastic mason jar lids or swing-top bottes. 

Store finished bottles in a refrigerator or other cool dark place. Fire cider should “stay good” and last well up to a year or longer. 

It is recommended to take 1-2 tablespoons of fire cider per day throughout the fall and winter as a preventative measure.

If you are feeling some crud coming on, up your dose to a full 1 oz “shot”! You can repeat a few times a day. 

Whether you’re looking for an immunity boost or relief from arthritis pain, fire cider may be worth a try.

This centuries-old natural remedy is said to offer a wide range of health benefits.

And the best part is that you can make it at home with just a few simple ingredients. So why not give it a go?

Love this info? Check out my post called What Does Elderberry Syrup Do For You where I share my tried and true Elderberry Syrup recipe!

Enjoy and stay healthy!

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